Announcing GMSO 2

Years later discontinuing GMSO , a GNOME application to query inklevels of various printers, I started rewriting it in Java using Java-Gnome and JNI to interface with native libraries. The project’s home page is hosted at Google (http:/ and the source branches are hosted at Launchpad.

The project currently consists of 3 components

  • JInkLevel: Java bindings for libinklevel.
  • LibMso: JNI library to detect printers attached to the system. It uses libhd (part of hwinfo by SuSE)
  • GMSO 2: The main application

See the homepage for screenshots, downloads and javadoc of the libraries. The source code be browsed at Launchpad. Looking for the future I may be adding additional GUI’s based on the libraries (Java Swing, SWT, QT ….)